quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

Can i Live in Brazil?

One of the main questions about Brazil is: Can I live in Brazil without having legal problems?

I will not lie.For a Brazilian go live in another country without legal documentation, like work visa or other visas...

is a passage almost directly back to Brazil.
But for a foreigner coming to live in Brazil is  certainly dont will have any legal problems.

Two years ago a newspaper in Brazil reported that the Brazilian government would open the door to the legalization of more than 50,000 illegal immigrants living in Brazil.

More unless you you be a "WANTED",  a thief or someone who has problems with the police,Dont come live in Brazil, because if you do not have a good profession, you are sure you will feel in the pocket the difference in salary Brazil with a country like the U.S.

Sorry for mistakes in English, I am Brazilian and I'm still having difficulty in writing in English

Learn MORE about brazil

What is the first place you remind when you remember of Brazil?

I can even bet just remember the Rio de Janeiro with its Beautiful women on the beach with the background the "Cristo Redentor"

But Brazil has more to offer!

In this blog I will post trivia, products, places unknown to most tourists, and tips to get you in Brazil already know "where you stand".
